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Welcome to GRGR

Grand Royal Golf & Resorts (GRGR) Co.Ltd is the latest addition to the Chip Mong Group portfolio. Established in 2020, the company manages and operates the two recently acquired  golf courses; Grand Phnom Penh  and Royal Phnom  Penh Golf Club., and supporting facilities.


GRGR's vision is to be the leading and most trusted golf resort facilities in Asia while striving to provide a world class Asian Golf Experience through quality facilities and exceptional customer care.




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Message From the Founder​ ​​

Chip Mong takes pride in being one of the corporations in Cambodia  that has achieved remarkable growth over the past three decades and has contributed significantly to the development of the kingdom.


With the unstoppable expansion, we are taking another step into the elite​ sport business, the golf club, by establishing Grand Royal Golf & Resorts (GRGR) to operate and manage two international standard golf clubs, Grand Phnom Penh Golf Club and Royal Phnom Penh Golf Club.


Thanks to strong foundation in Cambodia’s market and diversified business portfolio, GRGR’s vision is to be the leading and most trusted golf resort facilities in Asia. We are striving to provide a world class Asian Golf Experience through quality facilities and excellent customer care.


We would like to express our profound thanks to all current and prospective customers for your support. We look forward with enthusiasm to welcoming you to Grand Phnom Golf Club and Royal Phnom Penh Golf Club.

Lauk Chumteav Neak Oknha PHEAP Heak, Founder of Chip Mong


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Grand Royal Golf & Resorts

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